I wanted to practice my skills at designing products from a basic concept to design to marketing campaign.

Funny Fromage • A cheese and accompanying items company. The focus is targeting a demographic that is not being hit yet.
The target demographic is the young professional, age 21-40 years old. This the crowd who wants finer things, but also either doesn't have the time or experience to know how to create it.
The same group who buys meal preparation kits like Hello Fresh. Individually sold cheese has an easy breakdown of how to match it with sides or drinks.
Additionally, it makes it easy to create charcuterie boards with prepackaged packs to impress friends, family, or that someone special.
Packaging is neutral colors to appeal to all genders, and has large eye-popping titles to draw attention. The color scheme is different from other items on the market that focus more on bright colors.
As the name suggests, Funny Fromage is also all about personality. The names of each cheese are plays on words. The back refers to what it pairs with as its "ideal date" and the back includes a joke the goes along with the name of the cheese or one of its pairings.

Charcuterie for You or For Two.
This kit contains all the meats, cheeses, nuts, pickles, and other sides needed to make a charcuterie board. The personality will make it less intimidating to the everyday guy. Its ease will appeal to the meal prep crowd.
For the quick grocery shopper or the inexperienced foodie who wants to make something cute for social media.
Perfect for a date night, brunch with the ladies, impressing your

Product Template File Accreditations: www.freepik.com
Funny Fromage Wood Tray Display: Mockup psd created by freepik
Life is Gouda: Mockup psd created by user6702303
To Havarti & Hold: Paper psd created by mego-studio
Feeling Bleu?: Mockup psd created by jcomp
Charcuterie for You or for Two: Mockup psd created by Xvect intern